Mr. Stenstroms 8th grade advisory group put new nets on the basketball court outside.

Bike rodeo is right around the corner! We are excited for k-3 to practice their safe riding skills through the course that our amazing Bus Drivers have designed.
3rd graders will even have the opportunity to try out an off course, trail ride with a special volunteer and Mr. Sal! Don’t forget to have your guardian fill out the google form that allows you to do this that was sent home, if you are a 3rd grade.
May 26th will be a great day and if you would like to volunteer please contact Ms. Erin, emichaud@aos93.org

Kids Being Kids Day for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade!
As we’re wrapping up the year, we want to bring back some childhood experiences for our older students as well as strengthening our school community with students and staff alike. We will get messy outdoors while playing field games, tie-dying, slime making, splatter painting, animal snuggling, walking over to Shell Middens, and more! We ask that all of the students involved wear clothes that can get dirty as we’re bound to make a mess and have tons of fun!
- 6/7th grade (including Ms. Jen’s 5th graders) on May 24th
- 8th grade on May 31st

GSB Visiting Author Jennifer Jacobson!

Here is the crew of 7th graders who moved enough wood chips to fill the hillside above the new nature trail extension.

GSB Outing club enjoyed a damp but delicious hike behind the school!
Hotdogs and marshmallows make it fun even if your feet are soggy!

8th graders made their own popcorn containers as part of our geometry
review! Calculating the volume of cylinders is way more fun when you
get to fill them with popcorn!

GSB students participated in a track and field event for Special Olympics at Morse HS today. 🏅

8th graders and 1st graders teach each other with Ms Erin in PE!

GSB 7th graders at Kieve!

Water Conservation poster contest participants and winners from Ms. Jen’s 5/6 class

Lord Vader the rabbit stopped by for a visit this week in Mr. Feltis’s homeroom!

The GSB PTO, in collaboration with Coastal Rivers Conservation trust, hosted a core of volunteers on May 6 for Campus Cleanup Day. Parents, teachers and administrators pitched in on many chores and tasks. The playground dragon got a fresh coat of paint in honor of its 10th birthday coming up in August. Volunteers battled bittersweet at the GSB backyard trailhead where there are plans to make sit spots in an amphitheater arrangement. The garden, along with its greenhouse, now has a critter fence to keep produce safe for harvest for Twin Villages Food Bank. Lastly, a big thank you to CRCT’s Brad Weigel who designed and built a “troll bridge” to help “the goats” cross from the garden to the ball field.
The GSB PTO is able to sponsor and organize Campus Cleanup Days because of the Mountain Film Festival. The community sponsor list includes: Coastal Rivers Conservation Trust, F. Lilly Design-Build, Friends of GSB, Reny’s, Mexicali Blues, The First National Bank, Barn Door Baking Co., Norumbega Oyster Company, Rising Tide Food Coop, Oxbow Brewery, Dr. Anne Jacobs, SeVende, and Shuck Station Raw Bar. GSB PTO encourages all community members to take advantage of the greenspace around the school.

5th grade starting their build a game unit! They will ultimately create a game to be played at field day!

"For their traditional fantasy project, students dressed up as characters from Cinderella to teach their classmates about the classic folktale turned fairy tale, including the history and different versions of the story, a retelling of the story, a quiz, and more!"

8th Grade Ice cream Social and Open Turf night at Lincoln Academy. See flyer for details.

6th grade celebrated Harry Potter Day to wrap up their fantasy unit!

Students worked hard in 6th grade ELA during our Modern Fantasy unit. They created one-pagers to demonstrate their understanding, and created beautiful illustrations to represent the setting, characterization, plot, conflict, and theme of their fantasy books! These four students created the design of the bulletin board so we could showcase our work for everyone to see!

Grade 8 Group Photo!
Thursday, June 15, 8:30 am.
Go to https://www.strawbridge.net/
Click on-Order Pictures-
Enter Order Code FM421154
The price per photo is $10.00

Ms. Jen's 5/6 learned about the history of airplanes and automobiles and then created designs based on what they learned about the science of transportation throughout the museum. They raced their cars and tested their egg-drop contraptions to see who had the best designs!